Monday, 22 January 2018

Why we need to play

Why we need to play

Human beings are not the only creatures that like to (0) ......... run. Many animals play, as do some birds.
However, no other creatures spend so much time enjoying themselves as human beings do. Indeed. we
(1) ........ onto our sense of fun right into adulthood.
So why do human beings spend so much time playing? One reason Is that we have time for leisure;
animals have very little time to play as most of their life is spent sleeping and (2) ......... food.
So, is play just an opporrunity for us to (3) ......... in enjoyable activities or does It have a more important
(4) ......... ? According ID scientists, (5) ......... from being fun, play has several very real (6) ........ .
for us - it helps our physical, intellectual and social development. It also helps to (7) ......... us for
what we have not yet experienced. With very (8) ......... risk, we can act out what we would do in
unexpected, or even dangerous, situations.

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CdcFeb22 Ainhoa_Ant

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